Storm Water Project Moving Forward

By now, you may have noticed orange cones dotted across the rights of way adjacent to Town roads and are likely wondering, "What is going on here?"

Manhole opened for storm water inspection
Manhole Opened for Storm Water Inspection

The Town is in the field data gathering stage of its storm water master plan project. GIS technicians from WithersRavenel are canvassing the Town and investigating our existing storm water infrastructure. They are looking for the size, type, and condition of existing inlets and outlets, and mapping these for future use in the master plan.

This data gathering portion of the project should last approximately 2-3 weeks with field work not taking quite as long. The Town contracted with WithersRavenel in April 2018 to conduct the storm water master plan for the Town. This is a two phase project that will result in recommendations about improving the Town's storm water system for many years in the future.

Please be mindful of the technicians as they work in the field and feel free to call the Town Hall with any questions about this project. We look forward to providing updates and recommendations as soon as they are available.