Happenings in the Forest - 9/28/23
Happy Thursday everyone!
Weekly Biltmore Forest Updates
Town Hall:
- Upcoming Club Events
- Sunday Stretch will be taking place at Town Hall from 5-6pm on Sunday, October 1st.
Police Department:
- We have four employees in Crisis Intervention Training (C.I.T) this week.
- CIT is a weeklong intensive training that focuses on de-escalating people in crisis whether that is related to mental illness, substance abuse or any other challenge. Community resources and partnerships are covered in detail as well.
- We also have two employees that started an intensive 7 week on-line leadership training through Blue Ridge Community College.
- Topics covered are basic leadership, emotional intelligence, legal issues, personality traits and longevity/emotional survival.
Public Works:
- Collect garbage and recycling
- Mow and string trim
- Road Shoulders, Hemlock Pond, Town Hall Complex, Busbee Entrance, & Brookside
- Utility locates
- Tree Assessments
- Daily water chlorine tests
- Cleared segments of the following road shoulders:
- North Vanderbilt
- Service dog waste stations
- Repair road shoulder on Holly Hill and seed
- Installing Greenwood Park improvements
- Road striping continued on Vanderbilt, Eastwood and Browntown
- Clean out storm water control measure in Greenwood Park
- Service dump truck and boom truck
- Service leaf box
- Installed cell reader for meter at MAHEC
- Installed bench at Hemlock Road pond
- Restored bench at town hall
- Cleaned up median at North Vanderbilt and Hendersonville Road